Saturday, November 13, 2004

The Fat Lady Has Sung, But It's Not Over--Part II

Hello CBS…we're still waiting.

What’s it been, six, eight, ten weeks, and I can still see Dan Rather’s sullen scowl every evening (IF I change channels from FOX News or Food Network.)

What about the “independent” CBS investigation? You know, the investigation into how obviously forged documents, documents that could be reproduced by a sixth grader with a ink jet printer and a word processor, were allowed to be used as a basis for a nationally broadcast CBS 60 Minutes news story attacking the person of a sitting President of the United States of America in the heat of a re-election campaign.

We've been waiting patiently, and it’s not like your executives there at CBS can’t make a decision if they want to. After all, they only took two days to fire the producer whom committed the heinous crime of daring to interrupt the last five minutes of the prime time show “CSI: NY” to break the news that old Yasser Arafat had finally bought the farm.

Noooo, the public was outraged, and CBS couldn’t allow that. Not only did they do a thorough investigation and fire the producer within 48 hours of the scandalous event, they are also going to make amends to their viewers by re-broadcasting the entire CSI:NY episode so everyone can see the final five minutes.

America is vindicated. I know I’ll sleep better tonight.

Oh, and CBS….we’re STILL waiting….

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