Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Calling A Spade A Spade

Look at this story from the Associated Press:

Baghdad Shopkeepers Kill Three Militants

By TRACI CARL, Associated Press Writer

"BAGHDAD, Iraq - Shopkeepers and residents on one of Baghdad's main streets pulled out their own guns Tuesday and killed three insurgents when hooded men began shooting at passers-by, giving a rare victory to civilians increasingly frustrated by the violence bleeding Iraq."

Imagine that you are a reporter standing on the street in beautiful downtown Anywhere USA. Three men wearing hooded sweatshirts walk out on the street and start shooting at passers-by and another bystander getss out his .50 AE Desert Eagle Pistol and pulls a Clint Eastwood Dirty Harry maneuver on the “insurgents” sorry flea-bitten asses.

When you write your story for the local fish wrapper/birdcage liner newspaper full of wedding announcements and death notices, how the hell do you expect to get away calling these potential murderers “insurgents?”

Does America call Timothy McVey an “Insurgent.?” Does America accept that the “Native American” Neo-Nazi that killed his grandparents and shot up his high school this week can be defined as an “insurgent?”

I’m sorry, but I learned to spell and I own a dictionary and I’m really tired of the “media” redefining the meaning of words and using inaccurate wording to describe the actions of people committing crimes like MURDER and ASSAULT.

These idiots that call themselves journalists should all have their feeding and hydration tubes removed, and then be forced to take a nice warm Clorox enema in an effort to cleanse their minds and spirits.

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