Sunday, July 31, 2005

A Real Writer

Well, I have some good news...and some bad news.

The good news is that I have my first opportunity to write for a real publication, "Elegant Island Living." It's one of those shiny, glossy, local interest magazines full of real estate ads and art reviews like you find in your hotel room and in the lobby of fancy restaurants in resort areas.

I was fortunate enough to meet Dave, the owner/editor, while working in the theater for "The Island Players" and I've been after him for quite some time to let me write something for his Mag.

I just got the word this afternoon to take off on a story about the opening of our new airport terminal at the Brunswick Glynn County Airport.

I know, I know, stop yawning...

There's probably not a Pulitzer Prize in it for me, but the exposure and increase in my name recognition in this area is priceless.

I have already have had nine or ten letters published in the "Letters to the Editor" section of our local paper, The Brunswick News, and on a half dozen occasions I have had complete strangers say "You're Virgil Rogers-I love your writing" or "I laughed my butt off at what you wrote" upon hearing my name at the local restaurants and businesses (OK, Bars...)

The bad news is that my mind has been spinning while I develop an outline and questions for when I interview the airport board and visit the airport this week--so my blogging has suffered today.

I'm heading out to the pool for my late night swim, then I may have the energy to write something interesting here.

Your little boy is growing up...

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