Saturday, November 12, 2005

Lies, And The Lying Liars That Tell Them

Oh my...what a large nose you have, grandmother...

I keep ranting about this topic. I keep saying that it isn't all about my politics.

It’s about telling the TRUTH.

I just want to open a newspaper or turn on the TV and have the journalists and other so called "news people" give me information I can use to decide what is going on in the world--not inundate me with editorial commentary and skewed, mindless bullshit that I have to filter through or ignore totally as I go about my life as a voting citizen of the United States of By God America.

Now a French TV exec admits that he would rather publish lies than deliver the truth if the TRUTH would help a political party that he personally opposes.

One of France's leading TV news executives has admitted censoring his coverage of the riots in the country for fear of encouraging support for far-right politicians.

Jean-Claude Dassier, the director general of the rolling news service LCI, said the prominence given to the rioters on international news networks had been "excessive" and could even be fanning the flames of the violence.

Mr Dassier said his own channel, which is owned by the private broadcaster TF1, recently decided not to show footage of burning cars.

"Politics in France is heading to the right and I don't want rightwing politicians back in second, or even first place because we showed burning cars on television," Mr Dassier told an audience of broadcasters at the News Xchange conference in Amsterdam today.

"Having satellites trained on towns across France 24 hours a day showing the violence would have been wrong and totally disproportionate ... Journalism is not simply a matter of switching on the cameras and letting them roll. You have to think about what you're broadcasting," he said.

I have just one rhetorical question for Messier Dassier:

"Messier Dassier, you have to THINK about what you're broadcasting, do you?"

Yes Messer Dassier, that is EXACTLY the problem I have with the so called “professional” media types like yourself. You aren’t satisfied with merely delivering the news. YOU want to SHAPE the news to match your own worldview and political agenda.


Not editorials.

And I want, as a minimum, to be informed in advance of the difference.

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