Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Stupid Word Of The Day

I have An Idea…

Have I mentioned that I’m an aspiring artist and photographer?


Well, I am.

I know, I know, I know, the pay isn’t much, but when you’re sitting around with a camera in one hand and the other hand on a computer keyboard, something is bound to leak out and—if anyone is getting paid for it—I AM.

Right now I’m attempting to compete in the Coastal Heritage Exhibition sponsored by the Golden Isles Arts and Humanities Association.

They want pictures of local “stuff,” and they want written justification of it's "historical or cultural" significance .

So good, so far.

Unfortunately, the pickin’s is pretty slim out here because practically everything worth mentioning (and photographing) is OLD NEWS and most of it wasn’t taken care of as modern times developed in the region. Vacant fields and crumbling footings just aren’t very interesting, if you will excuse me for saying so.

In addition to our own island, we have a number of other little islands nearby that don’t have roads connecting them to the mainland. Places like Cumberland Island, and Blackbeard’s Island, and Sapelo Island—all owned by the state of Georgia.

I’m hopeful that one of these places will yield something worth presenting, something that hasn’t appeared in every magazine and art show over the past fifty years.

I’m doing a little Internet research before visiting the local library, and I ran into this article that at first glance looked pretty interesting. Then I got to the last word of the first paragraph and I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the writer, Mr. R. T. Kneib, PHD, was an overeducated idiot with a political agenda.


Because the last word in that paragraph was the word “Ameliorate.”

I’m sorry, but I had to look up the meaning of the word to be sure—and I was right. Here is what the Merriam Webster Online Dictionary says about the word:


transitive senses : to make better or more tolerable
intransitive senses : to grow better

Besides having an out of date website with less than 800 “hits”, Dr. Kneib suffers from a horrible disease. Dr. Kneib uses big, crappy, multi-syllable words like “ameliorate” rather than just coming out and saying what he really means:

"I already have MY house at the beach, and I don’t want YOU to buy one and crowd up the area."


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