Friday, December 02, 2005

Yasser Arafat's Still Dead

You Heard Me Right...

I forgot to mention the passing of the one year anniversary on November 11th, but just in case you were wondering, Nobe Peace Prize winner Yasser Arafat is still dead.

Six point five BILLION dollars of internation aid money intended to build hospitals and infarstructure to benefit the "palistinians" is still missing.

Yasser's widow is still living it up in London (I wonder if she torched a few cars herself...)

Palastine has basically absorbed the Gaza strip from Israel, but Yasser's Tunisian goons and the PLO are still blowing up people and things with wreckless abandon.

Abbas and Hamas (and the rock group Abba?) are still refusing to honor any negotiated settlements or disarm their own terrorists.

Yep, it looks to me like the only good news out of that part of the Middle East is...

Yasser Arafat is still DEAD, DEAD, DEAD.

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