Sunday, February 26, 2006

Roofing Trouble

I'd Rather Be A Plumber Or A Painter...

Did you know that I know how to do practically every single job associated with building a house and even most commercial and industrial building task?

Don't take this statement to mean that I LIKE or otherwise WANT to do some of these construction jobs, but I can do them none the less. For instance, I love doing framing and trim work, but you can have sheetrock and the tedious work of nailing down tarpaper and shingles.

I probably did my last roofing job about three years ago when I put a roof on my Mom's new utility building that we built together--about ten squares worth of Owens Corning product. My back still hurts thinking about lugging those son of a guns up a ladder.

Meanwhile, I've been working on finishing the last two of my church drawings and darn it if the roofs on both Christ's Episcopal and the Darien First Methodist Church are driving me crazy.

Since both building are presented in a simplified 3D perspective format, I can't just draw a bunch of parallel lines and call it a roof. I'm actually having to lay out and draft the individual shingles on each visible roof section.

I'd almost rather get out my hammer and nail apron, clamor up a couple of stories, and crawl around on my butt cheeks all day in the rain.

Why do I do this to myself?

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