Monday, October 08, 2007

Columbus Day

Celebrating Testosterone Laden White Men That "Raped and Pillaged" Their Way Across Our Planet...

Sometimes I really yearn for the good old days when Men were Men and liberals were relegated to being whimpering chamber pot carrying slaves and festering dead corpses on the battlefields of our planet. (Damn...did I really write that? Sorry...I'm leaving it in this morning...)

Slapping myself back into reality, I find myself in a world where practically anyone with a cause (or a bank account) can call some lawyer advertising on the back of the Yellow Pages or contact the ACLU and file a lawsuit claiming some affront to their sensibilities or otherwise attempt to diminish the historical value of guys like Christopher Columbus, Ponce de Leon, and Ferdinand Magellan.

Think about this with me for a minute if you will.

If it weren't for guys like Columbus, most of us would all still be living packed together in the rat and roach infested squalor of northern Africa, the Northern Mediterranean basin, and in bone chilling areas of northern Europe sticking our fingers into Dikes to plug the leaks in the infrastructure while wild eyed bands of roaming Muslims burned cars and complained about their poor employment prospects.

All sexual innuendo aside, instead today I find myself living in the most prosperous, successful, representative Republic that has ever existed on the lovely planet we call home.

Notice I said "Representative Republic", not "Democracy?"

(If I have to explain the concept of Representative Republic versus Democracy to you, just hit the back button on your browser now because you're just going to get more pissed off by the moment and paragraph as I keep writing.)

That said...

Most school children and many young adults have been taught that America is a place to be abhorred and embarrassed to live in and be from...(in spite of the current assault on our southern border.)

I don't agree.

Yes, what the European settlers that arrived here in North America did to the Indians Native Americans was a tragedy, but I wasn't born then and I have a hard time breaking much of a sweat over the situation today.

Yes, what the 19th century Americans did by supporting the world wide slave trade when America was a largely agricultural enterprise was wrong, but we also didn't invent slavery and we didn't end the practice when Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in the 1860's.

If you doubt my assertion. just wander over to Africa today and check out what is going on there on a daily basis, under the auspices of the United Nations. Many a black man owns many other black men, women and children; and Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are mute on that situation because right now REAL Africans don't vote, unless they've been allowed to illegally move from Somalia to Maine, Minnesota, or Atlanta and open a Taxi service.

So any way, today we celebrate Columbus day in what is called America, but the protesters couldn't' wait past Sunday's parade in Denver to get the argument started.

DENVER — Police arrested 83 Columbus Day Parade protesters including American Indian Movement activist Russell Means after fake blood and dismembered baby dolls were poured on the parade route Saturday.

At least 10 of those arrested faced charges of resisting arrest, while most faced charges of blocking a parade route or interfering with a peaceful assembly, police spokesman Sonny Jackson said. The parade through downtown was delayed about an hour.

From everything I've read about Columbus, he was a pretty damn remarkable guy, and if he hadn't gotten here first when he did in the 1490's I believe that the land we call the US of A would just be a Continent full of well landscaped grass fields owned by the Mexicans, surrounded by a bunch of African taxi drivers sitting around in used Toyotas waiting for an airplane to land.

Problem is, under this scenario, the Wright Brothers were put in jail in 1904, and Henry Ford was killed in a German concentration camp in 1914, so Toyotas are actually Rickshaws, not gasoline powered VEhicles.

While we're postulating, maybe Global warming never happened either because the industrial revolution died of the Bubonic Plague in the process, stranded in the Middle Ages of Europe.

Taking a big breath...

I don't have much else to say about this subject now, but I believe that in anticipation of going back over to Brunswick to do some more construction later this morning, that I'll wander outside and fog for mosquitoes by smoking a nice cigar, and then give a hearty salute to Christoper Columbus in the process.

"Hey..Yo Chris...How's your hammer hanging?...


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