Tuesday, October 16, 2007

So YOU Think That Government Healthcare Will Be An Improvement, Do You?

Well, Think Again....

I was putzing around the Internet this morning looking at what was going on in the world when this story about the Brit's resorting to pulling their own teeth caught my eye.

Now I'm not going to get into the gutter pulling out (excuse the pun) my own version of the wide spread joking about the condition of the Queen's subjects teeth, but I did go further than the reporter that wrote the news story--all the way to the Commission for Patient and Public Involvement in Health Website where I did a little looking around.

What I found out was that it is apparently true that a large number of British subjects are practicing home dentistry because there is a shortage of Government funded dentists working in the Government program. Many dentists have left the system and "gone private," tiring of the mandated low prices and processing government red tape.

Well, at least the British Politicians let you break out your wallet and buy alternative care if you need to or just want to.

The Canadians' program, until just the last few years, and sHrillary's "Bipartisan Health Care Reform Act of 1994" made it against the law for a doctor to sell their services to you outside the government approved and mandated system, and Mrs Rodham wanted to also throw you in jail if you hire your own doctor on the side. (A Congressional Budget Office analysis of her program can be found here, and the original bill, H.R.3600, is here in the Library of Congress. (Careful, it's over 1,000 pages long...)

Free or cheep health care, that starts out with almost as many rules as the IRS Tax Code--with no options...how lovely.

That's what I call improvement and simplification of our current condition.

The other thing that I noticed was the shortage of "breast massaging" going on in Dental offices, so I think that I might have inadvertently solved that California Dentist's problem and found him a new place to go with his state of the art practice.

I'm sure that Britain's Government health care program will appreciate the "fresh" talent

Reading further, what really blew my mind was a little teaser summary of this story titled "Patient anger at hike in bedside phone costs."

I just couldn't resist reading the full text, and boy do I have some interesting news for you...

Imagine going to the hospital and, having the use of your cellphone denied while anywhere in the building, at the same time enduring the hospital collecting tons of your money, by the minute and second, for your use of the pay telephones in the lobby and next to your bed in your hospital room.

Can you believe that crap?

Well, apparently it's true...and worst of all, in a day where I can buy Vonage VoIP phone service for less than $30 per month with unlimited free long distance, hospitals in England are charging $0.80 per minute off peak and $1.00 per minute for calls made during "peak" hours.

A three minute phone call from your death bed costs $3.00.

That would kill a number of otherwise healthy people that I know.

Cheep or free health care, with phone pricing straight from the 1960's--Now that's what I call progress...



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