Tuesday, January 08, 2008

The Whimper Heard 'Round The World

Too Good To Be True...

OK Folks, I'm not gonna outline the blow by blow political playcalling here because everyone on the Internet can find the Campaign stories for themselves, but just let me say that I am truly amazed that sHrillary's effort is apparently falling apart before our very eyes.

This from a well oiled political machine that was described as having a lock on the presidency four if not eight years ago.

By ten PM tonight in New Hampshire, another tiny state (1.3 million population, 95.8% white), I think that we all should know where things are going for sure.

It will be a tribute to the power of the Bloggers, FOX News, and the other members of the New Media if she drops out of the contest for President of the By God United States of America--going down in flames.

Twenty years ago this would not have been possible.

Heck, ten years ago this would probably not have been possible, but today YOU have a choice in how and where you get your news, and today WE will not let the lamestream media spoon feed us their usual liberal far left pablum.

For that, I am grateful, and I am pleased to contribute my five cents worth from this corner of the Bloggosphere.

Now it's time to get ready to go make some more sawdust. I hope you all have a good day...if you will.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoops, a little premature prognostication. Still pulling for Fred, he better do well in SC or we're doomed