Sunday, February 24, 2008

Slowly But Surely

Test Driving My New Innards...

I'm finding out the hard way that it's not very funny what laying flat on your back for 24 days does to your physical abilities.

That, and having a couple fewer feet of small intestine than I started the month of February with has me dragging myself from the bed to the bathroom to the sofa and back in a daily rotation of boredom and indignation at not being able to fend for myself by myself. Of course Pat and Missy the Turbo Pup do what they can for me and their efforts are greatly appreciated..but still...

I have a literal TON of paperwork and other stuff to do around here, but it's all I can seem to do just to get through the days and not pinch my guts trying to stand up too fast. I did manage to leave the house for a light Mexican lunch (one enchilada...whoop te doo) yesterday, but most of the time the hike to the mail box is about as far as I've ventured thus far.

I hope something changes...and soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had ovarian surgery and was flat on my back for only a day. In order to be able to eat real food (not liquids) I had to walk until I farted. My nurses laughed about this requirement but it was a hugh motivator in getting me onto my feet, cause I was very hungry and as you found out a liquid diet is not eating or satisfying. Just keep walking and then take a nice nap. The more you walk the better and easier it will be. Glad you are feeling better.
