Monday, October 05, 2009

Weekend Overload

Kansas City Rockin'

If you didn't have to work or spend time mowing the lawn...Man you should have been out here in Kansas City this weekend.

This place was rocking.

Besides the American Royal BBQ event, the city also hosted the NASCAR race and the NFL home football game on Sunday.

Giant crowds everywhere but where we were because other than the Royal BBQ the members of our extended household managed to stay safely away in the KC suburb of Liberty, MO.

On the college football front I was happy to see Georgia Tech beat Mississippi State and Auburn stomped on Tennessee (thus keeping things a little quieter when we return to the Turbo Pup Compound.)

So now there's a little professional business to take care of over the next couple of days as we continue to enjoy fall in the Midwest, then back toward the east on Wednesday.

I'll try to catch up on the news this morning and see if I can find something to complain about here on the Internet.

In the mean time, feel free to entertain yourselves...

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