Monday, December 06, 2004

"Pardonnez-Moi," Have You Seen My Explosives?

We've got some good news, and some bad news from France this morning.

Bad news: The Scottsman reports that as of 6:00 AM the C4 explosives are still missing.

Good news: The French Prime Minister, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, told the Gendarmes (doesn’t Gendarmes mean “Keystone Cops” in French?) to cease and desist with the free plastics explosives give-away program.

"The procedures that were used on Friday night will no longer be allowed," said Pierre Bouquin, a spokesman for the Gendarmes, who conducted the training. "We’re going to stop practising this on the bags of travellers," he said.

What I want to know is why that loudmouth socialist French President Jacques Chirac wasn’t the one doing the explaining. He certainly doesn’t mind opening his smug yap when he wants to publically criticize the US and our leaders. But nooooo, instead he puts his boy Raffarin out to do his apologizing…figures.

I'm still waiting for Tom Ridge or John Ashcroft to get off their overpaid bureaucratic butts and light a fire under the French transportation officials. Am I the only one that feels this way? Saying "oops," "sorry bout that old chap," or being embarrassed isn't a solution, it a reaction.

We should demand a solution people!

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