Monday, January 10, 2005

Pucker Up For Peace?

Excuse me while I finish gagging…..OK, I’m OK.

Fox News just reported that John Kerry has landed in Palestine to meet with the newly elected Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, having spent time in Iraq over the past few days denigrating the US war effort. You do know that Kerry supports the Troops, but is really worried about how the effort has been handled by the administration to date?

The splinter group Hamas called for a boycott of the election but has announced that they will support the new leader. Former US President and Dictator-Butt-Kisser-in-Chief Jimmy Carter was on hand to make the sure the EU and our domestic leftists felt warm and fuzzy about the election’s fairness.

Watch for Hamas to try to have their cake and eat it too. Since they didn’t vote for Abbas, they will quickly abandon him at the first inkling of any policies that favor Israel. They might even send one of their wild-eyed child zealots over to his house to visit, with a complementary case of dynamite

The Fox News broadcast showed a video clip of Carter shaking hands and chatting with Abbas earlier today. On the wall behind the two was a large photo of Yasser Arafat. Perfect setting!

Kerry apparently wanted to be the first US politician to rush to the scene to congratulate Abbas. I suspect that the timing of Kerry’s trip was planned all along based on today’s photo opportunities and as an effort to upstage President Bush, who could really care less which towel head the Palestinian’s elect.

The European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana has already met with Abbas. And of course everyone in the media is endorsing the election as a landslide, a mandate, all and all a good thing. Abbas reportedly got over 62% of the vote in an election that had to be extended by two hours.

Some stories say the extension was needed to accommodate heavy voter turnout. Others say it was to encourage improved voter turnout.

In this Washington Post story they say that the voter turnout was low:

“An hour before polls closed, Hanna Nasir, chairman of the commission, told reporters in Ramallah that 43 percent of the 1.9 million eligible voters had turned out. In scattered municipal elections last month in the West Bank, voter turnout was about 81 percent.”

And of course our ever accurate CBS News headlines “Palestinian Landslide for Abbas:

“There was some confusion about voter turnout. Officials said close to 70 percent of 1.1 million registered voters cast ballots. However, in all about 1.8 million Palestinians were eligible, and a total turnout figure was not given”.

What I want to know is, with the Hamas boycott and a potential low voter turnout, how can Carter, Kerry, the EU, and the balance of the nay-saying liberal left so quickly endorse the election results and declare it a landslide/mandate?

Haven’t we listened to their hand wringing and requests for delays in the Iraqi elections because of their desire for every single Muslim faction to be included in the vote? What if it is proven that less than half of the eligible voters actually cast a ballot?

Low turnout, combined with the Hamas boycott should at least have been reason for them to run around in hysterics for a few weeks a la Florida 2000/Ohio 2004 looking for disenfranchised voters.


I guess that we will all just have to pucker up for peace…NOT!

(By the way, I’m taking up a collection of donations to fund a truck load of chapstick to send over to repair all of the damage done to the lips of the media and the liberals by the fawning butt-kissing frenzy we’re about to witness…just watch and try not to gag.)

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