Monday, February 28, 2005

Treason and Sedition

“Connecting The Dots”

I would assume that if you are reading my blog that you probably read a least a few other alternative news sources and that you get the majority of your news from somewhere besides the ABC, CBS, NBC evening news programs, the Clinton News Network (CNN), or the front page of the Atlanta Urinal and Constipation (Journal and Constitution) newspaper.

But then again, maybe you don’t…

Well, I have some news for you…there is a revolution taking place in world politics!

The revolution I’m talking about is taking place in the Middle East, right now, and hardly a whisper about it is uttered in the main stream media. Oh yes, they (the main stream media) begrudgenly mention the individual events as they occur on a disjointed basis.

The problem is that no one bothers to “connect the dots” when it comes to the overall trend. You can attribute this quality reporting to the swarms of like-minded individuals with high levels of formal journalism education that lurk around the TV studios and newspaper offices around the country. They are so wrong, and they just can’t admit it.

Well, I’m here now intent on loaning you a pencil and seeing if I can help you connect the dots on the bigger picture of what’s actually going on in the world.

First, a little history lesson.

Remember when the USA elected a former actor to replace socialist dictator loving pacifist Jimmy Carter as our President in the early 1980’s?

Remember when Mr. Reagan proceeded to take Teddy Roosevelt’s ”Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick” international policy and massively increase the size of our country’s “Big Stick?”

Remember the words “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall?” Remember when that wall fell? Remember how within a few years the Soviet Union broke apart?

Remember how John Kerry and Ted Kennedy and the rest of the liberals voted against increasing the size of our big stick?

Remember how all of the Euroweenies, the pacifists, most Democrats, some Republicans, and misinformed tiny school children ran around in circles worrying about nuclear holocaust as a result of our confrontational policies?

Remember how the main stream media predicted doom and gloom and death and destruction AT EVERY SINGLE TWIST AND TURN AND WAS POSITIVE THAT RONALD REAGAN WAS LEADING US DOWN THE ROAD TO CERTAIN DESTRUCTION?

Well, we are still all here (most of us) aren’t we, and now the face of evil has changed from communist to Muslim.

Remember how, between 1992 and 2000, the “panty hose raider commander in chief” Bill Clinton cut the armed forces budget by $50 billion and reduced military personnel by a half million?

Remember how today the main stream media loves to bitch and complain about President Bush under staffing the Iraq war?

Remember Donald Rumsfield saying “you go to war with the army you have, not the army you wish you had?”

Remember that there is no wonder that our troop strengths could be questioned since Clinton reduced the armed forces from 1.8 million to 1.3 million over his two four year terms?

Remember how you never once heard the media mention Clinton’s culpability for our current levels of low troop strength?

You see, the much heralded “Balanced Budget” that occurred during the Clinton Administration came from the belief that, having defeated our communist enemies, that we could cut back on military spending and focus on poverty and homelessness in America.

We thought we could shift spending from the military so that we could pay more American’s more money just for being lazy, useless, dumb assed Americans. Republicans and Democrats in congress went along with the idea. Meanwhile Osama and Saddam and the Syrians and the Saudis and the Iranian Mullas were cooking up a few jumbo portions of “whoop ass” with our name on it.

But after our 9/11 wake up call, President Bush brought what was left of Reagan’s military strength to bear on Afghanistan and today women are voting and civil stability has returned to a savage tribal country. Quote the Main Stream media….silence (and crickets chirping…)

President Bush turned our high tech military might on Saddam’s Iraq, kicked the vaulted Republican guard’s asses, and fought our way through a couple of years of chicken shit pansy assed “insurgency” featuring every dune-goon-towel-head-self-described-Islamic-Jihad-Muslim “terrorist” “insurgent” to get to the January elections. Quote the Main Stream media….silence (between calls of invalidity and laments of low Suni Muslim turnout…)


As a result, let’s look at where we are since the January Iraqi elections. First there is Syria. Syria has a bad case of “big brother” complex when it comes to Lebanon—which they have occupied since the mid 1980’s. Syria decides to deliver a little St Valentines day massacre earlier this month and take out billionaire Lebanonese politician businessman Rafik al-Hariri.

As a result of the assassination, and emboldened by the 180,00 US troops camping just south of their border in Iraq, the Lebanese people have finally grown themselves some gonads. Syria has come under intense domestic and international pressure to remove their 14,000 “Security forces” that have occupied Lebanon for the past 15 years.

Syria suddenly wants to start reforming their grasp on the country and the resulting threat to Israel is slowly slipping away as thousands of protesters defied a ban on public demonstrations in Beruit on Sunday. Quote the Main Stream media: “No relationship to events in Afghanistan and Iraq what so ever, right?”

Remember Lybia? Daffi Quadafi unexpectedly tossed his hands into the air and declaired that he wanted nothing to do with nuclear weapons (or other WMD's) and we didn't have to send a B-2 bomber down there to get the consession. Imagine that?

Meanwhile, in Saudi Arabia, municipal level elections were held earlier this month and now they are talking about actually allowing women to vote in upcoming elections. Local level elections are mostly eyewash and much more needs to be done, but it’s a good first step. Quote the Main Stream Media: “Don’t you think for one minute that the Iraqi elections have at least some remote influence in this matter? Naaaaaaaa…”

Next comes Egypt, where Hosni Mubaric has decided to allow opposition candidates on the ballot for the presidency, a title that he has held since the assassination of Anwar Sadat in 1981. Imagine a presidential election with one name on the ballot and a yes/no vote as the only possible response. Mubaric has been winning by 90% in the past, but things are changing now? Quote the Main Stream Media: “Nothing to do with president Bush’s aggressive foreign policy, I suppose?”

Unfortunately the Palestinian situation is still up in the air, but as these events in the surrounding countries coalesce I expect things to stabilize even further in this area. What is plainly clear is that none of these chest pounding oil tycoons and Hitler wanna-be's are willing to see their countries blowing up through night vision goggles on CNN and FOX News and they definitely don't want to be pulled sweaty and unshaven from a concrete sewer and spirited off to interrogation in the media's beloved Abu Grab-ass prison.

Now regarding the Main Stream Media’s position in all of this. What a bunch of mindless, inept, morons. I can say this because of what they failed to learn during the Reagan successes in the 1980’s. They insist on ignoring the 500 pound gorilla in the room and act mystified when events occur that would be obvious to an 8th grader in a good quality private school. And all of us pajama clad Bloggers just won't play fair and let their past transgressions and oversights fade from memory.

Their infinite supply of support and comfort to our enemies is tantamount to Sedition and Treason, but I guess that most Americans don’t even know the meaning of those words any more.

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