Thursday, February 10, 2005

What a Ultra-Maroon

Just in case you have been on vacation, living in a cave, or limiting your news gathering to watching the Clinton News Network and reading the local newspaper for the past two weeks, I have a little Blogosphere news tidbit that might be finally making it out into daylight in the next few days/weeks.

There is this man (and I use the term “man” with great trepidation,) Eason Jordan, who currently holds the title of Executive Vice President and Chief News Executive of CNN.

You might remember Mr. Jordan's illustrious work since he was in charge of CNN’s Iraqi bureau when it was turning it’s collective numbskull head to Saddam’s barbarisms in an effort to keep a presence in Iraq before the US invasion. "They did what they had to do to keep their news operation open," he said

Now it has been revealed that, in an effort to pander to the US loathing international community that pays a good portion of CNN’s bills (and Jordan's salary), comrade Jordan is running around in public saying that US troops are intentionally targeting and killing reporters in Iraq:

"The head of CNN's news division, Eason Jordan, ignited an Internet firestorm last week when he told a panel at a World Economic Forum gathering in Davos, Switzerland, that the American military had targeted journalists during operations in Iraq.

Mr. Jordan, speaking in a panel discussion titled "Will Democracy Survive the Media?" said "he knew of about 12 journalists who had not only been killed by American troops, but had been targeted as a matter of policy," said Rep. Barney Frank, a Democrat of Massachusetts who was on the panel with Mr. Jordan.

In an interview with The New York Sun, Mr. Frank said Mr. Jordan discussed in detail the plight of an Al-Jazeera reporter who had been detained by American forces, was made to eat his shoes while incarcerated in the Abu Ghraib prison, and was repeatedly mocked by his interrogators as "Al-Jazeera boy."

A man who said he was a producer with Al-Jazeera at the network's headquarters in Doha, Qatar, said he was unaware of any such incident, "although we have had problems with American troops in and out of Iraq." The Al-Jazeera producer refused to give his name."

My buddy Captain Ed over at Captains Quarters has been losing a good deal of sleep over this issue over the past week or so and is one of the best sources of breaking info on the subject.

There is also a dedicated Easongate web page with an online petition asking CNN to release the videotape and answer the question of what comrade Jordan is saying once and for all. I signed it.

All I know is that this is complete crap. How can anyone believe anything coming out of CNN when they have a person at comrade Jordan’s level of responsibility telling lies like this? If his allegations are true, I want the offenders prosecuted.

If the allegations are not true, I believe that CNN should fire Jordan...NOW.

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