Thursday, March 31, 2005

The IRS Can Just Kiss It

It's that time of year again---you know---TAX TIME.

I wrestling with the forms for Pat and I and trying to do my civic duty to pony up "my fair share" of the fruits of our blood, sweat, and tears to give to the Imperial Federal Government and the State of Georgia.

I can't even say here in my own blog how much I hate the government tax system nor recount to you how much money I have spent through the years on accountants trying to keep myself and my businesses out of trouble with the IRS. Even with my best efforts and the accountants, I still have paid penalties and interest on past due taxes for honest mistakes.

The IRS loves looking at that seven year window of income and returns for errors and shenanigans that might yield extra cash for their coffers. If they catch you with "criminal intent," they can look back even further for additional taxes.

Here is a little gem that I just found out about. An acquantence told me that they hadn't filed a tax return in over five years. After looking into their tax situation, I found that they had OVER EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS worth of returns coming.

You know what the IRS does when you don't file a return and they owe you money?

The bastards keep anything that isn't refunded within three years from the date the return was due, that's what. It's going to cost my acquantence over $4000.00.

You get what I'm saying here? If they had owed money the past six years to the IRS, the government would add interest and penalties easily doubling the amount and come roaring after their car and house and future wages, but since the government owes them money they just assess a 100% penalty and offer a great big old...


As my title said, THE IRS CAN JUST KISS IT

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