Saturday, April 23, 2005

Everything But The Kitchen Sink

I own some property in nearby Brunswick, Georgia—a duplex and some adjacent vacant lots on which I intend to build some small houses in the future. I screwed around last summer and let the back yard of the duplex and the lots grow up with weeds head high because I didn’t have a lawnmower and the energy to operate same and I was too cheep to actually hire someone to knock down the growth.

I’ve decided to get ahead of the game this season and have our Condo’s landscaper, Ozzy, clean everything up and keep ahead of the growth this year. Ozzy went by yesterday to look at the situation and calculate a price for the work. When he reported back to me he had some bad news…someone had broken into the vacant duplex.

I was dressed, in my truck, toolbox in hand, within thirty minutes of hearing the news. I was pissed off that my property had been violated AGAIN and I was fearful of what I would find inside once I got there.

This was the second time in three months that someone has entered this same rental unit through the same door. The first time they broke in they just kicked the door open and looked around inside. Since the unit was unoccupied and there was nothing to steal but bathroom fixtures, an old stove, refrigerator, and the kitchen sink, I guess that they were disappointed. I fixed the door by putting on a new slide bolt and installing a reinforcing plywood panel.

This second forced entry again found the unit unoccupied, containing the bathroom and kitchen fixtures. The only difference in the two events?


Really, the side door was open and everything inside was intact, except the crappy kitchen cabinet, countertop, and sink was missing—pipes and all. There is a spot on the floor where the linoleum stops and an outline of where the cabinet was, but no cabinet…

And no sink.

I think that I’ve seen everything now.

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