Sunday, April 10, 2005

US Border "Morones"

Enrique Morones, the founder of the group Border Angels was on FOX News Heartland program tonight, hosted by Blogger diva Michelle Malkin.

I missed the name of the other guest who was invited on the program, but he was invited to represent citizen groups like The Minuteman Project that are attempting to prevent illegal aliens from crossing the US border with Mexico.

In spite of media and “activist” predictions of disaster and destruction as a result of average Americans defending our territory, things have run very smoothly over the first week of the Minuteman mobilization that began last weekend.

I feel sorry for Senior Morones because in my estimation his last name—unfortunately close to the English word “Morons”—represents an apt description of his group’s public agenda.

Here’s my own somewhat wordy illustration of why their efforts are counterproductive:

Suppose I want to move to England. Rather than applying for a visa, packing my luggage, and buying an airline ticket, instead I choose to steal a 20’ fishing boat with a 40 gallon gas tank. As a result of insanity or stupidity or just plain desperation, I choose to bring along no food, no water, no cell phone, and no marine radio. I just start driving my little boat from St. Simons Island, due east across the Atlantic toward Europe.

Upon departing on my “grand immigration adventure,” I know that there are no gas stations in the middle of the ocean, that it will take days if not weeks to make the trip, and I’m liable to get hungry and thirsty after the first 12 hours has elapsed. Details be damned, I want to see the Queen and new Lady Boyles.

After about six hours I have covered a little over one hundred miles of ocean, the seas are getting rough, and I’m out of gas. Unless I was incredibly lucky and happened to be seen by another passing vessel, I would die a horrible death of dehydration, starvation, and drowning, or some combination thereof.

Since I’m a mean old middle aged white libertarian, there would be little note of my passing, except with my family and possibly in the local media.

If I were a potential “guest worker,” immigration activists like Senior Morones would be rushing to set up a new web site and start a campaign to raise funds to place gas cans in the middle of the ocean and supply buoys with containers of water and food to prevent my demise. They would be sponsoring rescue patrols to look for other boaters like me, trying to cross the Atlantic to that Utopia that the liberals call Europe.

Here is what his Web site says about what exactly Senior Morones’ group is doing:

"Founded by Enrique Morones in 2001, Border Angels is a non-profit organization supporting humanity. The organization consists of extraordinary volunteers who want to stop unnecessary deaths of individuals traveling through the Imperial Valley desert areas and the mountain areas surrounding San Diego County, as well as the areas located around the United States and Mexican border. The high percentage of unnecessary deaths have been results of extreme heat and cold weather conditions, in addition some have sadly been the results of racial-discrimination crimes.

Steps Needed To Be TakenSpring and Summer Months: With horrifically hot temperature conditions, three hundred and forty water stations are installed in the Imperial Valley Desert and surrounding areas. Temperatures reaching as high as 127 degrees, water is critical for survival. Volunteers maintain stations each weekend throughout the spring and summer months.

Fall and Winter Months: Critical life-saving stations are established throughout the San Diego Mountain areas. Winter clothing, food and water are placed in winter storage bins to help decrease negative health results from being exposed to the incredibly freezing temperature changes that exists in the San Diego County mountain areas during the Fall and Winter."

It’s not bad enough that we have millions of illegal potential “guest workers” streaming across the borders at the easy to cross areas where our immigration officials are concentrating their enforcement efforts, but Senior Morones is out there trying to make the inhospitable Imperial Valley an oasis for those IDIOTS THAT ARE STUPID ENOUGH TO ATTEMPT TO CROSS THE BORDER IN THE MIDDLE OF A DESERT.

Ever heard of the concept of survival of the fittest?

I’ve got to go now and get in my boat to go look for some offshore gas and water buoys.

Wish me luck...

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