Saturday, May 28, 2005


My posting will be light today as I am already up to my armpits in brined baby back ribs, making BBQ rub, and a big batch of my Kansas City Style BBQ Sauce for our festivities at the pool this afternoon.

I plan to slow cook/smoke a couple of racks of ribs, thaw out some left over BBQ Boston Butt Pork roast that I cooked a couple of weeks ago, maybe a few Hebrew National Hotdogs for the stray children wandering around the pool, and generally burn a whole lot of charcoal and hickory chips--all served with sides of home made slaw and potato salad.

There might be some beer and vodka consumed also.

Check out my other blog, The Redneck Gourmet for the details later this weekend

Let's not all forget the real reason that we have Monday off from work...our Veterans.

My family has a proud military history that includes not only my father Virgil Jr. who served as a Test Pilot in the peace time Army Signal Corps, but also my Mother's father John Rushing who served as an Army infantryman in WWI and her brothers John and Merce who were both in the WWII Army Air Corps. There's also my cousin Jim that is a General in the Marine Corps Reserve and flew Cobra helicopters of a carrier in the 1980's.

I also did two years of Navy Reserve time in the 1970's, although my service time was mostly fooling around in college and doing neat stuff like aviation orientation in Pensacola or screwing around on the USS New Orleans (LPH-11) out of Subic Bay Phillipines. "Love you long time..."

Any way, y'all have a good holiday and be safe.

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