Friday, May 27, 2005

Religious Countroversy Contradictions

I’m ready to pull the last fifty hairs out of my head over the recent “Korangate” controversy.

Does anyone but me believe that this is a totally ridiculous non-story? Does one single sane, well informed individual actually take any time to give a damn about this issue? Think about this with me for a minute…

Newsweek has issued a half-hearted retraction of the two week old story, the case should be closed. But noooooo sir, the balance of the media has “circled the wagons,” refusing to give up on the issue--using the old “but it could be true” refrain when mention is made of the obvious errors in the “Newsweak” reporting.

As a result, the US military has been forced to publicly re-evaluate their own records of potential “Koran abuse” in Cuba and elsewhere and there are almost daily news stories like this one printed in newspapers and read on TV news.

What is amazing to me is how sensitive and concerned the American leftists can act over the treatment of foreign nationals when it comes to their religion and religious beliefs, while at the same time demanding that our government run roughshod over the religious beliefs of our own citizens’ and their religion in the name of separation of church and state.

Show a leftist elitist intellectual a copy of the Koran and they will bow down in respect. Show that same pompas know-it-all a cross or a copy of the ten commandments and they pee their pants and melt into a blithering pile like a vampire in a cheep 1950’s black and white horror movie.

Why the disparity? Because the leftist intellectuals hate our country and they despise Christianity and Christians. They believe that any government run by conservatives (Republicans) is inherently evil, and the military is the evilest part of this evil.

Where are the news stories on that? Where is the outrage?

I want to make a deal with the rest of the world and our own leftist intellectuals that will solve everyone’s problems once and for all. You ready?

Lets swap citizens.

That’s right, let’s pack up the America-hating leftists, our domestic socialists and communists, and throw in the staff and supporters of the UN to boot and ship them all off to Europe or Africa or Asia or anywhere they can agree with the political policies. We'll invite an equal number of the politically repressed, self-sufficent, freedom loving foreigners to come here and take their place.

As they sail out of New York harbor on their way to the “promised land,” I’ll change the quote inscribed on the plaque on the base of The Stature of Liberty in NY that presently reads:

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

My version would read something like this:

Here are our tired, our wealthy,
Our stupid asses yearning to stop being free,
The wretched refuse of our intellectual whores.
We send these, the soon to be homeless, tempest-tossed, to thee:
I lift my boot and kick their asses out our golden door.

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