Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Admiral “Nemo” Still Talking Trash

It turns out swashbuckler wannabe Sean Penn actually managed to trip over a few stranded flood victims in New Orleans this weekend. Unfortunately, Admiral Penn can’t just do his kind deeds and keep his stupid mouth shut:

"Oscar-winning Hollywood actor Sean Penn, who has been assisting rescue efforts in New Orleans, said the US government did not "seem to be inclined to help".

"We were pulling drowning people out of the water, it's the ultimate distress and human suffering ... dead bodies," he told GMTV.

Penn said he had spent nine hours on Monday searching the water for people and during all that time he saw just three boats carrying US officials.

"There are people that are dying right now and I mean babies and old people and everybody in between - they're dying. There are people dying and (the US government are) not putting the boats in the water, I think that's criminal negligence. I don't think anybody ever anticipated the criminal negligence of the Bush administration in this situation." "

Penn is the worst kind of “do-gooder.” He has to do his charity work in public, under a spotlight. He even brought along a personal photographer on his trip to document his heroics.

What I want to know is why didn’t Admiral Penn just stay home and donate money to the rescue effort? What do you suppose the cost of his trip was? Five thousand dollars would have easily covered the airfare from Hollywood, renting the boats for the day, hiring the photographer, and buying incidentals like motel rooms, food, and gasoline.

Talk about maximizing your Public Relations dollars…

And the sad thing is that a lot of our young people will admire his efforts.

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