Thursday, September 22, 2005

It's Not Too Late...

to top off the old gas tank(s)...

Have you bought gas this week? No? Well, you'd better.

I bought nearly $50 worth yesterday over across the causeway at $2.59 a gallon. Both my Suburban and Pat's Mustang are now full. The price had already risen five or six cents from Tuesday, and we saw it at Wal-Mart on Saturday for $2.48.

Why are you waiting? You know the same thing that happened with Katrina is going to happen with Rita--only worse. Essentially the entire gulf coast oil and gas production system will come to a halt, and most of the petrolium refining capacity will be out of comission for at least a week.

I predict gas locally, that peaked at $3.04 a gallon after Katrina, will easily cross $4.00, and the politicians will be screaming "price gouging" and other forms of "bloody murder" as the British and the Dutch laugh at our indignation.

I'll be buying gas again in mid-October when the price settles back down. I hope you plan ahead too.

(did you go get gas yet?)

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