Wednesday, October 26, 2005

It happened

I Hope They're Happy...

"US Military Deaths Reach 2000 In Iraq" trumpets the Associated Press headline. It also took them only two paragraphs to work in another popular anti war theme:

BAGHDAD, Iraq - The American military death toll in the Iraq war reached 2,000 Tuesday with the announcements of three more deaths, including an Army sergeant who died of wounds at a military hospital in Texas and two Marines killed last week in fighting west of Baghdad.

The 2,000 mark was reached amid growing doubts among the American public about the Iraq conflict, launched in March 2003 to destroy Saddam Hussein's alleged weapons of mass destruction. None was ever found.

"None were ever found" is wrong.

"None were ever found" is an outright lie.

"Few were ever found" would be accurate.

"The majority have as yet not been located" would be accurate.

"Where and to whom they were shipped to has yet to be identified" would be accurate.

I don't know why I bother, since we all know that accuracy is not the goal of the Associated Press.

It never is.

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