Monday, November 21, 2005

A Total Waste Of Money

Hot Air Should Be Free...

I just learned that the poor little "anti-war activist and mother of a dead soldier" Cindy Sheehan has a new book out. I'm so jealous:

"I never wrote anything more than a note to excuse my kids from school before Casey was killed, so to see something I wrote in print with my name on it is amazing," Sheehan told The Associated Press by phone from her home in Berkeley, Calif.

Sheehan gained national attention during her 26-day vigil on a Texas roadside near President Bush's ranch in August. She refused to move until the president met with her or ended his vacation. That moved Arnie Kotler, the founder of a Hawaii publishing company who saw news coverage and read Sheehan's Internet blog entries from the protest.

"I thought, 'This is already a book. This is incredible,'" said Kotler of Koa Books, which printed about 20,000 copies. "We got it done as quickly as we could, and the deepest reason is to stop the war."

The White House did not return calls seeking comment on the book.

What is the White house expected to say--that Cindy Sheehan is a rocket scientist full of thoughtful insights and advice worth heeding?

I think not...If you can't say anything nice...say nothing at all...

Is there a law or a rule or something that requires that every moron that has the guts to go out and make a fool of themselves in public gets a book deal as a bonus?

I could barely stand to listen to Cindy Sheehan SPEAK on the TV news stories. Can you imagine trying to READ an entire book full of her mindless blitherings? I'm sure that she employed a ghost writer to assist in producing something other than meaningless mush and slogans.

The article closes by saying that Cindy and her band of harry legged anti-war gypsies plan on camping out in Crawford Texas this week in an effort to gain more media coverage and spoil President Bush's Thanksgiving celebration.

Get ready for Camp Casey--Part II.

What total BS...

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