Monday, January 16, 2006

I’m Confused…

Couldn’t They Just Drive A Car Over To Disney?

There I was, sitting here minding my own business, catching up with the news and some of my favorite blogs, when I came across this news story:

Cape Canaveral, Fl.--An unmanned NASA spacecraft the size of a piano is set to lift off Tuesday on a nine-year journey to Pluto…


They're going to the time and expense of
sending a rocket loaded up with one of these

out flying around outer space to look for this little fellow (the Disney Dog Pluto):

Maybe they mean this guy..."Bluto" from the Popeye cartoon series:

Or even this guy, John Belushi's character Bluto
from the movie "Animal House":

Oops...wait a darned minute here...I get it, they're talking about this place (the Planet PLUTO):

Oh, never doesn't really matter.

I guess that I’m just a little tired this evening...

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