Sunday, January 22, 2006


Poolside Blogging

When the weather turns to almost 80 degrees before the end of January, I can't be expected to not want to start hanging out at the pool--it's less than half a football field away down the street. The only thing is that, while sitting at the pool, I currently don't have an internet connection.

As a result of this unacceptable deficiency, I’ve done a little research and found out that I CAN extend my wireless network from my master bedroom, all the way down the street to the swimming pool, so that I can wireless blog poolside this summer.

Imagine everyone’s excitement, raptly checking back here to this site dozens of times each day to read as I live blog the progress of a load of ribs being slow cooked on the Webber Kettle while the blender serves up frozen libations poolside.

I could receive comments telling me when to put on suntan lotion and I could upload and post digital photos if the owners of any good looking bathing suits happen to show up poolside. Actually, I think that I'll reserve that pain for my own eyes since the majority of our population here seems to be somewhere nearing the age of 100. We do get an occasional vacation renter during the summer that is a little easier on the eyes and camera lens.

Any wayyyy, it is possible--poolside blogging, that is...we DO have the technology to accomplish such a feat.

Here is all I need to do:

1. Drill a 2” hole in the roof of the building.

2. Evoke the wrath of the “Condo Nazis.”

3. Patch 2” hole in roof.

4. Buy one of these, a 2.4 GHz 14 dBi Backfire Wireless LAN antenna. I get sexually excited just thinking about owning one, and it only costs about $25

5. Next, since it's only 10.5" in diameter and only weighs about three pounds, and since the "Condo Nazis" won't let me mount it on the roof, I'll just improvise a mount that allows me to place it in the front window of our condo that has a direct view of the swimming pool deck, with only a couple of small trees actually blocking the path.

6. Then I load up my laptop, sunglasses, towels, suntan lotion, a nice fat vodka and cranberry, and flip flop my way down the street.

Oh, did I mention bringing the power supply for backup? Since Pat telecommutes, we can probably sublet the condo and just live in the pool house this summer...well maybe not.

This would be so cool, I'm going to do it...check back in about March to see my progress....

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