Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Georgians Come To Their Senses

When Will We learn?

I'm quite happy to report that this stupid woman...

That would be Cynthia McKinney...

was again dumped off of the national and world stage by voters in Dekalb County and the balance of the eastern Atlanta suburbs tonight.

In fact, the runoff election wasn't even CLOSE.

Since I live on the Georgia coast rather in EAST Atlanta, I didn't actually have a say in it, but I did vote on four little local candidates in our local runoff election this afternoon.

If I could dance, I would be dancing right now...

Instead, I think that I might just sing a little...

"Blue skys, comin' my way...nuthin' but blue skys..." (you get the picture)

I also feel incredibly sorry for all of you yankees up there in Connecticut, because a whole bunch of you voted against a good man in Joe Lieberman. Zell Miller got out of Georgia Democratic politics when the getting was good, and it would serve some of you right if Mr. Lieberman did the same to you this year.

Let's hear a nice Howard Dean scream "yeeeeeeaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh"

Que up Al Gore next...

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