Thursday, January 24, 2008

I'm Wasting Time

At least It's Mainly My Own...

I let another day slip by without hitting a lick at a snake today. It's getting to be a trend I'm afraid.

Everything was going fine until lunch after doing some shopping in the morning, when I ate a Gyro filled with chemical laced lettuce that proceeded to tie by digestive track into knots.

I hate places that insist on using this stuff-- Sulfiteing Agents -- to keep lettuce and other vegetables green for a MONTH, rather than cutting fresh ingredients each day and risking throwing out the left-overs.

I'm generally careful not to eat a salad at places where I know or suspect they sell "Franken-lettuce", but this place caught me with my guard down today and I'm still paying for it.

I'll probably not be going back, and that's a shame because otherwise the food is good.

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