Wednesday, April 02, 2008

House Healthier Than I Am

Seven Years Apparently Makes Quite A Difference...

OK folks, I've fooled around as long as I can up here--extending our adventure by four days under the guise of being a shrewd real estate guru.

Here's our report card compiled after our week long foray into Tennessee:

Future owner... Built in 1959....Wobbly at best. C-

Brick, wood, and sheet rock building circa 1966...Solid as a rock. A+

Translation: The new house passed the inspection with flying colors...gotta love it.

Now Pat and Missy the Turbo Pup and I have to get back home to our little island, check the mailbox, collapse on the sofa prior to setting about to pack everything we own into cardboard and bubble wrap.

I, personally, get tired just thinking about it...

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