Sunday, February 13, 2005

Breaking News...

I just visited Howard Dean’s Website and boy was I surprised.

Based on the map on the Dean Website, it seems that as the newly elected Chairman of the DNC, Dean has plans to move the states of Alaska and Hawaii from their present far flung, inconvienant locations in the Pacific Ocean to of all places--Mexico.

That’s right, Mexico… No more long airline trips and and time zone changes.

Also, in the process of relocation, Alaska will shrink to a size smaller than Texas and Hawaii will grow larger than Delaware, New Jersey, or Massachussets.

I’m E-mailing AAA and getting my free map in anticipation of a road trip driving south of the border to our 49th and 50th states later this spring. Anyone with me?

Cómo se dice en español…Aloha? Eerrrrrraaaaaaahhhhh?

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