Saturday, February 19, 2005

Bringing Sanity Back Into An Insane World

My inner mental pendulum keeps on swinging wildly between causing me to deliver polite lecturing rhetoric versus just doing some good old fashioned ranting and raving.

I’m not quite sure where this issue falls on the “Insanity Richter Scale,” but I just have to ask this question…

How in the hell can an illegal alien be legally allowed to have a drivers license?

You got any ideas?

Thank God that the Iowa Supreme Court decided yesterday that in the state of Iowa they (the illegal aliens) didn’t have the “right” to a driver’s license.

“By Jerry Seper
From the Nation/Politics section

The Iowa Supreme Court yesterday dismissed a class-action lawsuit brought by two illegal aliens against state officials who refused to issue them driver's licenses, unanimously upholding a lower court ruling that said illegal aliens had no legal right to obtain a license”.

Isn’t that just peachy…a judge has finally decided that someone that is breaking the law with their very presence inside the border of the US has no legal right to the PRIVALEGES enjoyed by the law abiding, taxpaying citizens of this country.

“Filed under the pseudonyms of Juan and Maria Sanchez, a Des Moines couple in their early 30s who have three school-age children and have lived in this country for five years, the suit asserted that the state's refusal to issue the licenses violated rights guaranteed to illegal aliens under both the U.S. and Iowa constitutions.”

“The suit, filed in November 2000, was a class action on behalf of all illegal and undocumented aliens in Iowa who wanted or had sought driver's licenses…

The suit was filed after the couple, whose attorney, Curt Daniels, has refused to identify, received more than $1,000 in traffic tickets over a single weekend. Mr. Daniels said his clients had been targeted by police because they were illegal aliens, and the state should allow them to apply for licenses to drive.”

First things first…the idiot lawyer, Curt Daniels, should be packaged in Tamale wrappers and shipped along with his “visitor worker” clients straight back to Mexico. Esquire Daniels should, in addition, be sentenced to spend a few months in a Mexican house of ill repute were he should be forced to clean bedpans and change linens—without a drivers license—for wasting the court’s time in bringing this lawsuit.

Next question—and this one goes a little deeper--how can Senior and Senora Sanchez have three school aged children when they have only resided in the US for five years?

They dragged their toddlers and infants across the Rio Grande River with them?

If the kids were born in Mexico, they can no more demand that the US taxpayers foot the bill for their children’s education that they can demand legal driving privileges.

“Fourteen states " Alaska, Connecticut, Idaho, Louisiana, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Utah, Washington and West Virginia " permit the issuance of licenses to illegal aliens."

A bill by Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner, Wisconsin Republican and chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, would prevent the federal government from accepting state-issued identifications, including driver's licenses, if the state makes them available to illegal aliens.”

So let me get this straight—if I go out and break a few state laws relating to driving (like speeding) and get too many “points” on my driving record , the state can take away my driving privileges, but if someone breaks a Federal law by entering our sovereign county illegally, they believe that they should be allowed to legally drive in fourteen of our fifty states?

“But Polk County District Judge Joel Novak in Des Moines ruled that the couple had no fundamental right to obtain driver's licenses. In his ruling, Judge Novak said operating a motor vehicle was a privilege that was "not unrestrained."”

As I stated earlier, thank God that the Iowa Supreme Court listened to Judge Novak’s reason...

And I'm not one bit sorry for no Juan.....

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