Tuesday, May 10, 2005

At Least This Didn't Happen In Alabama or Georgia

In a world full of stereotypes and prejudices, I just couldn’t resist pointing out this story about people getting hurt and killed in Michigan—riding “souped up” golf carts.

ROBINSON TOWNSHIP, Mich. -- Two souped-up golf carts collided as they sped down a rural road at night, killing a woman and badly injuring a man, authorities said Monday.

The occupants of the modified carts spent Saturday night riding trails. Shortly after midnight Sunday, one cart was being driven along the shoulder of a road when the driver of the other, Mathew Krimmel, tried to pass, said Ottawa County sheriff's Sgt. Steve Austin.

As Krimmel pulled ahead, the carts collided, causing Krimmel's vehicle to veer out of control and roll over, throwing the driver and two passengers.

Two men in the second cart were not injured.

Teresa Fergison, 42, died later in a hospital. Krimmel, 42, was listed in critical condition Monday. Diane Davis, 35, was treated for cuts and bruises and released.

Modified golf carts are popular for trail riding and can reach speeds of 40 mph or more.

The carts are not street-legal and deputies were investigating why they were being operated on the road about 20 miles west of Grand Rapids.

It was unclear how fast the vehicles were moving. Alcohol appeared to be a factor in the accident, which remains under investigation, Austin said

Well of course alcohol was probably involved…and Yankees poke fun of us southerners for racing riding lawn mowers. Heck, I bet they didn’t have a roll bar and weren’t wearing helmets (or baseball caps turned backwards.)

Remember that NASCAR was invented in the south and is slowly being stolen from us by the rest of the nation’s Johnny-come-lately NASCAR fans.

It’s just a matter of time until the Yankees try to steal lawn mower racing as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know that the golf carts may be fun, but they took Teresa from us. She was a family member and I do not appreciate you using this story to prove a point. I don't give a shit about those stupid golf carts, I would rather have her back, and I think that who ever wrote this should take that into consideration. Mind your own damn business. I hope they do steal your stupid lawn mower racing, stupid Hilljack. It is not your place to criticize somebody that you don't even know, and I guarantee if you would have met her you would have never commented on this story. She was my favorite person, and I guess you don't care about people's feelings.