Thursday, May 12, 2005

Forget Boycotting--Get the Heck Out

It seems that the "Hispanics" in Arizona are upset that the Arizona state legislature is passing some new laws designed to curb illegal immigration.

So what did the "immigrant advocacy group" leaders do? They called for all hispanics to boycott businesses and stay home from work yesterday. But the motel rooms were cleaned and the lawns were mowed and the roofs were installed on new houses in Arizona in spite of the "Boycot" 'cause no one listened...

"This is a test so people can see and feel the power we have and the actual stranglehold we have on the economy of this state," Elias Bermudez, executive director of Centro de Ayuda, an immigrant advocacy group in Phoenix, told reporters this week.

"We contribute to the greatness of this state and we should not be pushed around like we are."

"Although advertised extensively on Spanish-language radio and television stations, most community and civic leaders agreed that yesterday's boycott was a failure because many potential participants could not afford to lose a workday or business income."

Can you believe that they have the audacity to say that they have "a stranglehold" on the state's economy?

"State Rep. Russell Pearce, a Republican who has sponsored several bills targeting illegal aliens, said an economic boycott would not have much impact on the state.

"They're boycotting because we believe the law ought to stand for something; they're boycotting because we don't think you can come here illegally and get free stuff; they're boycotting because we think they ought to be citizens of the United States before they can vote," Mr. Pearce said.

"This has nothing to do with racism and everything to do with the law.

"You can't steal your way into this country and demand stuff in another language," he said..."

All I can say is, Amen brother

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