Sunday, May 08, 2005

There Aught To Be A Law...

(All the laws we needed we got in the 10 Commandments)

Ever heard that saying? “There aught to be a law against blaa blaa blaa.” Of course you have.

It seems simple enough at first glance. There aught to be a law against this… There aught to be a law against that… Popular belief is that laws will save us all from the evils of society and our fellow man (and woman.) If you will take the time to read our Constitution and the Bill of Rights you might find out that our founding fathers had some different ideas about laws.

I agree, and say that we had all the laws we needed a long time ago; we just have a hard time remembering that we did. As a result of our attitudes and all of these new laws, the US prison population rose to over 2.1 million last year. There is one person in jail for every 138 citizens in our country. Most are incarcerated for low level drug offenses.

There was a time when I thought “there aught to be a law” myself.

Not any more. Why, you might ask?

Because passing a law, most of the time, doesn’t change the circumstances from which the problem or situation arose in the first place. We are a law passing culture and society today because passing laws gets votes for the “lawmakers” and makes the general public “feel good.” I feel good, don’t you? If you don’t feel good, we’ll just pass a few more laws and take care of what ails you.

For instance, take Jessica’s Law passed by the Florida legislature recently. The new law allows officials to hang them darned old child molesters up on a stake, clip off their gonads, and set them (the child molester and their clipped off gonads) on fire.

Not really…

Actually, the new law requires convicted “sex offenders,” in addition to registering their address with authorities, to wear a “monitoring device” once they are released from jail back into the community—for as long as thirty years.

I’m sorry folks, but this is total BS. This law, just like laws relating to “assault weapons” and “gun control” in general, has a serious defect.

The “Jessica’s Law” requires the willful compliance of the criminal in order to be successful.

Funny thing—real criminals don’t seem to care too much what the law says they ARE NOT supposed to do. Real criminals care even less about what the law says they ARE supposed to do. A pair of wire cutters is all that is between the “sexual predator” and his monitoring device. Unless he was a complete and total idiot, an aspiring sexual predator could cut the band holding his “monitoring device” on his person and run amuck in the community for weeks if not years before the authorities could apprehend his stupid ass living under a bridge or in a fleabag motel.

We don’t need a new law in this instance, we just need to enforce the existing laws we already have on the books and then impose prison sentences that reflect the seriousness of the crime. Right?

Before Jessica Lunsford died, it was already against the law to MOLEST a child.

Before Jessica Lunsford died, it was already against the law to RAPE a child.

Before Jessica Lunsford died, it was already against the law to MURDER a child.

Passing a new law is just so much eye-wash designed to make the deceased person’s family members feel better and allow certain “special interest groups” like MADD and others justify their existence.

In spite of the current trend of removing The Ten Commandments from the lobbies of schools and courthouses, I say that all the laws we need are contained within that age old Biblical document.

Let me paraphrase The Ten Commandments for you here:

1. Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.

Don’t worship any God you aren’t prepared to deal with in the end—Mercedes, Diamonds, and excess Cash come to mind.

2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.

Ditto for Commandment #1.

3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thou God in Vain.

Everyone thinks of swearing profanity, but what about false swearing an oath in court, Mr. Clinton?

4. Remember the Sabbath, and keep it holy.

Looks like God was pro-Union…not to mention the idea of having a day off—union or non-union.

5. Honor thy Father and thy Mother.

…least thy Father kickith thy arse and thy Mother starvith thy stomach…

6. Thou shalt not kill.

…a no brainer

7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.

…lest thy wife or girlfriend placeith thee on a stake beside the child molester and cutteth off thy gonads…

8. Thou shalt not steal.

Again…a no brainer…lest thee have the shitith kickith out of thee by those that ye stealith from…

9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

…that depends on what the definition of “is”…is

10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor’s."

…what about coveting thy neighbor’s wife’s ass??

Oh, come on...get your mind out of the gutter...

Back then your neighbors wife could have owned a donkey...

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