Sunday, June 26, 2005

I'm Bitten With An Additional Perspective on Sharks

Further continuing my messy statistical review of things that the media won't tell you:

"In 1987, New York City reported the following number of people bitten by dogs, 8,064; (gummed by) other people, 1,587; (mneyowed by) cats, 802; (chewed by) rats, 291; (chomped by) squirrels, 95; (ravaged by) raccoons, 11; (gnawed on by) ferrets, 7; (stinked, stank, or stunk by a) skunk, 3.

(verbage mine--VRR)

There were 13 shark injuries reported nationwide the same year."

Seems to me like your back yard, the nearby woods, or your local municipal park is a much more dangerous place than the beach

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