Friday, July 01, 2005

Nuke 'Em

One of the more important jobs that you get to do when you are elected President of the United States of America is that of appointing Federal judges.

Unlike issues like income tax rates and signing treaties with Mexico and Bora Bora, the Federal Judgeships are unelected LIFETIME appointments that can and do directly and indirectly shape important parts of our lives on an everyday basis.

The US Supreme Court’s recent rulings on the public display of the 10 Commandments and Eminent Domain easily come to mind here. My assertion that these positions are unelected is partially incorrect, in that the American people have in the past 11 years chosen to elect a conservative Republican House of Representatives, a US Senate Republican majority, and to give President Bush his own second 4-year term as our country’s CEO.

In my considered opinion, this indicates that the majority of Americans have given a conservative MANDATE that cannot be ignored when President Bush makes his appointment to replace Justice Sandra Day O’Connor who has served as a Supreme Court justice since she was appointed by Ronald Regan in 1981.

Forget what the media and Ted “jabba the hut” Kennedy says, ignore that silly hippy chick from California that is the House Minority Leader, I want George Bush to appoint exactly who he damn well believes is qualified to fill this position, I want the Senate to follow the rules to the letter of the law, and if Harry Reid and the gang of fourteen lily livered activist Senators lead by John McCain want to screw around with the confirmation process, I want president Bush to get out his big hammer and…

Nuke ‘Em

We have 54 Republican Senators elected by the people (including me), I’m tired of screwing around with this process…

Its high time that we get down to business.

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