Thursday, June 02, 2005

Storm Stress Syndrome?


Damn I’m insensitive today. I guess it could be that I’m all cranky and suffering from a bad case of “Internet Deprivation” since I had to spend nearly 12 hours with only hit or miss service today.

I guess I should call some hotline somewhere or consider going in for counseling like these people down in Florida are doing.

“Mental health experts have noticed more cases of what they call "storm stress syndrome" after recent news coverage of the 2005 hurricane season, according to Local 6 News.

A crisis counseling organization has seen a 20 percent spike in phone call volume in the days before the official June 1 start of hurricane season.

Experts in Central Florida said they noticed the first cases of "storm stress syndrome" after last year's storms.

Recent severe weather in Central Florida and the start of the hurricane season can be too much for some storm victims.

"They get depressed or they get anxiety and are not able to function properly when it rains or is thundering," Project Hope worker Maria Weber said.

The best way to deal with storm stress syndrome is to talk about it with a professional, according to the report.”

I have a solution for all of these depressed Floridians. Here is what they need to do rather than fretting their little miserable lives away and spending their children’s inheritance money on shrinks.

Instead of enjoying the good life, golfing in the middle of the winter, water skiing on New Years day, and hanging out at the beach when a hurricane isn’t blowing, MOVE TO WISCONSIN.

It’s lovely there, I hear. They have two seasons…winter and July.

That should solve their “storm stress syndrome” quite nicely.

1 comment:

Eric said...

We have started a website to help people be prepared for stressful situations and to deal with them as they are in them. The information on the site is continually updated and expanding.