Sunday, June 12, 2005

Yet More “Zero Tolerance” Insanity

Anyone that has read this blog for more than a few weeks knows that I am NOT a fan of our country’s so called “Zero Tolerance” laws when it comes to public (government) schools.

There is hardly a day that goes by where a local news story doesn’t outline some horrific example of an innocent (by any intelligent, reasonable standard) student being expelled or otherwise disciplined for being accused of some ridiculous infraction.

There is even a Website dedicated to consolidating and publishing Zero Tolerance horror stories called

Well, I just so happened to have tripped over a couple of my own fresh “Zero Tolerance” news stories and I decided to comment again this morning.

First, let me say that I think that the best way to describe “Zero Tolerance” is to evoke the words of “Captain” (the warden character played by Strother Martin in the 1967 film Cool Hand Luke featuring Paul Newman)…

“What we have heeaaah……is a failure…… communicate…”

Actually, I guess that this first story about a student being refused his diploma for wearing a Bolo tie to graduation could more accurately be placed under the title of “school administration stupidity” rather than “Zero Tolerance Insanity,” but the concept is still the same.

“Pomfret, MD-- School officials are withholding a 17-year-old boy's diploma for wearing a bolo tie under his graduation gown.

The student, Thomas Benya, said he prefers the string bolo ties over traditional knotted ties to reflect his American Indian heritage.

But officials from Maurice J. McDonough High School in suburban Washington said they warned him beforehand that a bolo violated the dress code for the event, held for about 250 students.

Katie O'Malley-Simpson said there are "many opportunities throughout the year to express cultural heritage. But we don't do that at graduation."

So this kid did all of the academic work, but showed up wearing a skinny Bolo tie under his graduation gown and the so called “SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS,” also the likely products of Government Schools, chose to make an example of him and not award his diploma.

What complete and total crappola. These so-called administrators evidently shouldn’t be allowed to pick out their own clothes and dress themselves in the morning. The government should go to their homes and confiscate all of the sharp objects so they won’t hurt themselves when they don’t have real adult supervision.

Suppose that Mr. Benya followed their rules and wore a nice navy blue tie—with an airbrushed painting of a voluptuous nude woman on the area hidden under his graduation gown, and didn’t show anyone the painting. Suppose that he wrote nasty, suggestive epithets with a magic marker all over his abdomen and ass describing his vivid sexual fantasies with the gym teacher, and didn’t show anyone?

Would that meet the graduation dress code standards of the Maurice J. McDonough High School?

I suspect that it would, because what any school administrator armed with their “Zero Tolerance” armor doesn’t see or otherwise know about obviously won’t hurt them.


This next story is a classic example of what I fondly call a “Zero Tolerance” hysterical hyperventilating conniption fit. Here's the link to a story about two 8th graders doing a science project on the danger of BB guns.

Amherst, Mass.--Two eighth-graders who spent months working on a science project to prove how dangerous BB guns can be were disqualified from the state middle school science fair. The reason for the dismissal: BB guns are too dangerous.

Nathan C. Woodard and Nathaniel A. Gorlin-Crenshaw spent seven months researching and testing their hypothesis that BB guns can be deadly and should not be used by children.

The students spent about $200 on ballistics gelatin, which has the same density and consistency as human flesh, to use during their tests.

Nancy G. Degon, vice president of Massachusetts State Science Fair Inc. and co-chair of the middle-school fair, said fair rules prohibit hazardous substances and devices.

"The scientific review committee does not consider science projects involving firearms to be safe for middle school students," Degon said.

The boys were invited to present their findings to some judges and receive a certificate of accomplishment, but they rejected the offer because they were not allowed to compete.

"I was really disappointed," Woodard said. "We had a good point to prove."

See, these liberal government school “do-gooders” are even willing to eat their own species (as opposed to eating their own feces—the jury is still out on that issue.)

The kids used the BB guns at home, didn’t they? Nowhere in the story did they indicate that the kids were going to bring the guns to the science fair and shoot anything. I’m certain that what they were going to do was to bring the standard display board filled with charts and graphs and at no time were they going to violate Ms. Degon’s rule “prohibit(ing) hazardous substances and devices.”

These kids were doing a project to show how dangerous BB guns are to children—a project that supports the gun control and zero tolerance agenda—and the “ZERO TOLERANCE” crown can’t even hold still long enough to let the kids generate some actual data on the topic.

Data??? What is data, they ask?

You see, most of the intellectually dishonest crowd out there screaming about global warming, demanding gun control, and lamenting the dangers of gas hogging SUV’s can’t be bothered with the unbiased scientific process and don’t need boring things like data and details to support their arguments and public campaigns.

All liberals need is their bleeding hearts and a pant load of emotion—it’s what they feel that matters—thinking about and looking at the actual facts is an unnecessary encumbrance in the process of implementing change.


CLUNK…(sound of me falling off of my chair)

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