Wednesday, July 06, 2005

See What Things Are Coming To?

Think about this situation with me for a minute.

You are minding your own business after dinner in a local business district.

While walking along the shoreline of the adjacent river, you notice a person in obvious distress in the water.

You’re a strong, confident swimmer.

Do you:

A) Jump in the river and save the person’s life…or

B) Stand on the river bank with your thumb stuck in a bodily orifice, wringing your hands, saying “Oh My My” while waiting on the authorities to arrive.

According to this news story 48 year old Dave Newman chose option A and as a result saved Abed Duamni’s life, but the “authorities” arrested Mr. Newman afterwards for “interfering” with their rescue efforts.

Dave Newman, 48, disobeyed repeated orders by emergency personnel to leave the water, police said. He was charged with interfering with public duties.

"I was amazed," Newman said Monday after his release on $2,000 bail. "I had a very uncomfortable night after saving that guy's life. He thanked me for it in front of the police, and then they took me to jail."

I think that this might just give new meaning to the old 60’s term referring to police officers as “PIGS.”

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