Thursday, September 29, 2005


Ignorant bliss on wheels...

St. Simons Island is known to be very bicycle friendly. There are dozens of miles of dedicated bike paths running parallel to the busiest roadways and many other miles of bike lanes allowing those whom are inclined to peddle their little hearts out all day long.

For those that arrive here on the island not owning a bike or having left their bike at home, there are dozens of bicycle rental vendors that can, for a modest price, provide you with everything from a standard single speed bike to recumbent racing bikes and even four wheel peddle carts with room for an entire family.

The bad news for motorists is that because of this inherent “bike friendly” climate, many bicyclists adopt either an ignorant or an arrogant attitude toward automobiles.

The cyclists sometimes seem to feel almost invincible.

I have to admit that one of my biggest fears besides encountering some hundred-year-old retired doctor behind the wheel of a new Lincoln Continental is that of running over some moron with a rented bike.

Take my most recent bicyclist encounters that occurred while making a round trip from my home this afternoon. On the way out of our subdivision I encountered two senior citizens on bicycles, obliviously peddling down my lane with their backs to me. I’ve learned to expect the unexpected, and as is usual they ignored my approach from behind and forced me to pass them on the narrow street, on a curve, by moving into the lane of oncoming traffic.

Everyone survived unscathed.

I thought that it was understood that you always walked and rode your bike FACING traffic so that you could see oncoming vehicles? Not on St. Simons, much of the time. I guess that they just hope that I have good insurance.

Having completed my errands, on my return trip I observed several bicyclists traveling parallel to me on the bike path, nearly at the speed limit of the auto traffic. I passed them dozens of yards before reaching the intersection with our residential street. Again, I have learned from previous experience that the bicyclists refuse to stop or yield when crossing side streets that do not have a stop sign or traffic light. As I suspected, one of the riders that I had passed was going to cross the street that I was turning right into ahead of him, and if I had not anticipated his ignorance I would have had him strike me as I turned in front of him. The risk to a motorist in yielding to bicyclists in this manner is that of being struck from behind by another vehicle that doesn’t see you yielding to the bike. It almost happens to me once a week down here.

I realize that pedestrians and bicyclists typically have the right of way, but I wish more people would think more about challenging a 6,000 Suburban.

I personally, don’t like their odds in the event of a collision.

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