Thursday, September 01, 2005

A Thin, Thin Line...

Anybody who has spent any time wondering how things could go so wrong in Iraq after the US removed Sadam from power need look no further than what is happening in New Orleans this week for an answer.

See the thin, thin line that exists in this country between civilization and anarchy? That line is virtually non-existent in most of the third world and is frighteningly fragile in the so-called developed countries.

Blame human nature and culture (or the lack thereof), not politics--it‘s not Bush‘s fault that the idiot black thugs being housed for free in the Superdome and staging for relocation to Houston are now stuck indefinitely in the hot, humid, rancid cesspool that New Orleans has become.

Why has the evacuation been cancelled or at least delayed?

Because some idiots started shooting at military helicopters before daylight this morning and the military said as a result:

“Sit there and sweat it out and deal with the consequences of your actions”

Of course the bleeding hearts will all say "but it isn't FAIR to penalize everybody."

Well, until "everybody" (or at least somebody) gives up the names or otherwise identifies the terorist thugs living in their midst in the Superdome refugee population, I say that I agree whole heartedly with the current decision to let them sit where they are.


Anonymous said...

The writer of this blog is a right wing asshole. The PRESIDENT slashed the budget. The PRESIDENT appointed a head of FEMA with no experience. The PRESIDENT chose to go on with his photo ops while people were dying.

Stop trying to put spin on this disaster. We need a real LEADER in the White House!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe this is God's punishment on the United States for starting an illegal war.

Anonymous said...

This is a national disgrace in the eyes of the world, and no amount of excuses or propaganda such as this blog will save the Presidential ass from being on the line.

As Harry Truman said, "The buck stops here."

Anonymous said...

The delay in response by the government was to discuss how the people in power could benefit monetarily from diaster aid.

Did anyone say "IMPEACH THE BASTARD" -- yet?

Anonymous said...

There are plenty of reasons for this President to be impeached, and leave office in total disgrace, but it wont happen because the lunatic right wing has control of Congress.

There will come a day though...

Anonymous said...

This blogger is an idealogical carpetbagger who is trying to prop up a sick administration with excuse after excuse.

Go to church yourself, pray for forgiveness for having supported, and continuing to support, THE ANTICHRIST -- GEORGE BUSH.

God is not mocked...

Anonymous said...

Maybe this is payback for the thousands of civilians we are killing in Iraq in the name of Christ.

Give me a break, can the propaganda...

Anonymous said...

If you can't find some worthwhile person or activity to support, give up on Bush and his gang of greed in Washington.

The Devil already owns them -- lock, stock and barrel.