Friday, September 25, 2009

The First "Post American" President--Per John Bolton

If It Were Up To Me We'd Fire Him...

I can't even begin to express my opinion of the goings on at the so called "United Nations" this week. When I exclude the use of profanity there just aren't words in my vocabulary to adequately frame my take on the proceedings.

As a public service, I was looking around online tonight and found this photo taken in a nearby hotel bar down the street in NY from the proceedings when I had this horrible thought...

Today, we, as a country, actually find ourselves in a position where our own elected national leader actually comes across at the UN as just another radical crazy moron mumbling inane platitudes which mean nothing to virtually anyone of Anglo American descent, living in the "middle class," sitting here in Eastern Tennessee.

Seriously, Obama looked no more intelligent than Wacky Kadaffy from Libya or Bluto Chavez or that annoying little Capuchian Monkey currently running Iran.

The only person I've seen thus far that had anything worth saying and listening to was Benjamin Netanyahu from Israel who should have pulled out a machine gun and lobbed a few grenades into the building and done us all a great favor as a result of the carnage.

Then as his encore to killing the ground based Missile defense shield in Europe, Obama sat in front of the UN Security council and announced that he wants to cut the US nuclear arsenal from "thousands" of warheads to a few hundred.

Then he hopes that the little troll Kim jong Illness and the Iranian Monkey will not build any nuclear weapons and the Pakistanis will somehow keep Al Qaeda away from theirs.

Yeah...and I feel monkeys getting ready to fly out of my butt any second now...monkeys with golden wings and baskets of million dollar bills...

Feel free to disagree with me but within a couple of years you're going to figure out I'm right...



HEATHER said...

Reading over the text of Benjamin Netanyahu's speech, I kept saying to myself, "Why can't this man be our President?" Yes, there's the whole not born here thing, but BarryObarfma, seems to have gotten around that. So seriously Netanyahu 2012!!

Ed Bonderenka said...

I'm with you Heather.