Monday, September 12, 2005

Look In The Mirror And Point Your Finger...

A History Test

I could rant about this for a good three pages, but I'll settle for giving you the "Cliff Notes" version.

Remember back in 2002 when the Democrats criticized President Bush for opposing the establishment of a new beauracracy--The Department of Homeland Security?

Remember when the solution to all of our problems was said to involve combining FEMA and the new TSA along with a number of other Federal departments into one giant Department of Homeland Security?

Remember when the Republicans and Democrats fought tooth and nail over the involvement of UNIONS and other pork laden measures crammed into the new Homeland Security legislation?

Remember when Democrats said spending zillions of dollars guaranteed security, therefore the Republican's desire to limit spending must mean favoring a lack of security?

Remember once the new Homeland Security Administration was put in place that only four Senators attended the confirmation hearing of Michael Brown as the deputy director of the new agency?

"MEMBERS OF CONGRESS have been quick to point fingers in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Some of the blame ought to be directed at themselves.

Where, for instance, was the oversight before Katrina? In particular, given the critical role of the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the minimal qualifications of Michael D. Brown to be its director, you might think the Senate would have wanted to conduct a thorough hearing before confirming him to the post. No such luck. Mr. Brown had a cursory hearing in 2002 -- it lasted all of 42 minutes and was attended by four senators -- when he was named deputy director of FEMA; no one at that hearing questioned his lack of background in emergency response."

You did remember that four Senators spent 42 minutes approving the appointment of the guy they villify today? They had their chance three years ago, didn't they?

What I want to know is, where the hell were the other 96 elected idiots?

I bet sHrillary, and sKerry, and Ted "hicup" Kennedy weren't there that day. Neither was Robert "KKK" Byrd, I bet.

The Senators didn't do their jobs.


Don't these revelations make you respect our vaulted "legislative process" even more?

You've heard that sHrillary Clinton and the rest of the Senators want "independent hearings?"

Nasty Pelosi wants an equal number of Democrats and Republicans in on the hearings.

Remember that Republicans have won the Presidency for the past two terms and a Senate majority in the past three elections?

Remember the majority in the House going back to 1994?

I agree with the idea of "independent hearings," but how can they (the Representatives and Senators) possibly be charged with having unbiased hearings when they themselves should bear a good part of the responsibility for the status quo?

Hey sHrillary, hey Nasty...shut the hell up, why don't you... you stupid partisan b*tches.

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