Thursday, October 13, 2005

Magic Bus Tour--Day Three

Anybody know how to change a flat tire?

Just in case you’re interested, I assume that Jesse Jackson’s Magic Bus Tour continues on it’s way from Chicago to New Orleans. I have to say that “I assume” because a Google search of news stories produced exactly zero new results today.

The WWL website in New Orleans resorted to re-running the same old Associated Press story that I referenced yesterday. It’s surprising that there isn’t at least one major media outlet in New Orleans covering Jackson’s efforts.

I said that I expected this story would disappear, but really….”Com’ on Jessie, tell us how things are going!”

Think about this with me for a minute.

Jackson runs to the microphone on Monday and trashes our response to the hurricanes. He says that Karl Rove is intentionally preventing minorities from returning to New Orleans in an effort to minimize the Democrat’s voting advantage at the polls in future elections.

Finally he admits that his 600 person “displaced indigenous” bus caravan would actually be carrying only 200 people. According to this charter company, the average charter bus has 47 seats and a bathroom.

Doing the math, this means that Jessie had to cut his bus order down from twelve buses to only four—and apparently he’s having trouble filling them.

Even with the announced reduction of seats he was forced to take on two Spanish speaking “refugees” in the swarm of three people that boarded his caravan in St. Louis. Not exactly a resounding success, would you say?

It’s also a little disturbing that they are taking four or five days to travel from Chicago to the Gulf coast, a trip that you can do on a Greyhound Bus in only about 12 hours.

Where are Jesse’s Halliburton “share croppers” eating and sleeping while on this extended trip—on the buses? If not, who is paying for their food and motel rooms—Rainbow Push?

I guess that we’ll have to wait and see, but if these people treat the buses like they treated the superdome, I suspect that I know where you can buy four charter rigs, REAL CHEEP!

The Reverend Jackson is such a joke...

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