Friday, October 14, 2005

These Chickens Will Come Home To Roost One Day…

And We Won’t Be Worrying About “Bird Flue”

Today’s New York Times has an article that talks about some interesting data contained in the new US Census Bureau’s American Community Survey. This is the first time the Census Bureau has taken a look at marriage and birth trends on a state by state basis.

The Times article starts out by trying to make a big deal about how sophisticated people up north in the “Blue States” marry later and have fewer babies out of wedlock than all of us “Red Staters” and southern Rednecks.

Check this out:

When it comes to marriage and babies, the red states really are different from the blue states, according to a new Census Bureau analysis of marriage, fertility and socioeconomic characteristics.

People in the Northeast marry later and are more likely to live together without marriage and less likely to become teenage mothers than are people in the South.

The bureau's analysis, based on a sample of more than three million households from the American Community Survey data of 2000-3, is the first to examine the data by state.

"There are marked regional differences, said Jane Dye, the bureau researcher who did the study, with Tallese Johnson.

So what’s the Times’ point--that we’re all stupid, less sophisticated, or just a lusty horny bunch of ignoramuses here in Alabama and Georgia?

It really doesn’t matter to me how the elitist assholes at the New York Times interpret and publish the data, what they do manage to do is leak out a few statistics that should concern all Americans.

It scared the crap out of me when I read it:

Over all, it found, 15 percent of the women who had given birth in the United States in the previous year were not citizens. But immigrant presence, too, is very much a regional phenomenon. So while noncitizens made up a third of the new mothers in California, and more than 20 percent in Arizona, Nevada, New Jersey and Texas, there were a dozen states where less than 4 percent of the new mothers were not citizens.

Similarly, while 21 percent of all women who gave birth in California in the last year and 14 percent in Arizona, Nevada and Texas either did not speak English well or did not speak it at all, there were 14 states where less than 2 percent of the new mothers had limited English skills or none.

So are you concerned about illegal immigration now?

Let me say it to you again:


How can we let this happen?

How can our government allow this to go on unchecked?

You know that under current law any child born in this country is considered elligable for benefits just like a legal taxpaying citizen, right?

This is complete crap.

If we as a nation don't get serious about closing our borders and expelling illegal aliens from our population, we might just wake up in 20 years living in the Georgia Republic of Mexico.

There is certainly strength in numbers, but I don’t like the way these numbers are going.

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