Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Chocolate and Zucchini

Who ARE these people?

This lovely young woman writes an excellent cooking Blog that has already earned her a Cookbook publishing deal.

I'm jealous, but it's actually no wonder--look how wonderfully she writes:

"A lot can be learned about your cooking self by considering what you eat when you're on your own. I have friends who are just not hungry when they're alone, who (gasp!) forget to eat, who don't consider it a real meal if there's no dining companion, or who just eat a Kinder Surprise, build the little toy and call it dinner -- and I'm not making this up.

What's most surprising to me is that some of them are great cooks, but somehow they don't find it worth the effort to use their talents if it's just for their own benefit. I say, you should treat yourself as if you were you own guest.

I certainly understand the desire to keep things simple when no one's looking -- and I'm not saying you should prepare multiple courses and whip out votive candles, although it's a nice thought -- but to me, dinner alone shouldn't be expedited as if it were a chore. Instead, I see it as a unique opportunity to eat exactly what I please and how I want to eat it, comfortable in my delicious solitude. And in my world, this often means eating in a bowl, on the couch, while watching Desperate Housewives.

If you are a cook, go check out the Chocolate and Zucchini Website, and if you just like reading Blogs...go there anyway.

I do.

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