Sunday, July 17, 2005

We Have A New Pet

Patricia has been after me for a couple of years for us to get some kind of pet.

Don't get me wrong here..I LOVE animals, but since my last two cats died--Patches and Hoover--I just can't bring myself to take on the commitment that properly caring for a pet dictates.

I like to travel too much and I don't want to have to leave someone (the pet) alone at home or at a kennel and I worry about the psychological effects of separation (me and my pet.) Further, it is just hard to travel with a pet if you choose to take him or her with you and it limits your options during the trip in so many ways.

Well, I've suffered a bit of spontaneous weakness, I hereby announce that Pat is getting her wish--I 've found this cute little bugger that I just couldn't pass up.

Here is his (its) picture:

BooBoo Posted by Picasa

Actually, here is the true story:

BRISTOL, Great Britain -- 'Kintana' is the first captive bred aye-aye, an arboreal nocturnal lemur, Daubentonia madagascariensis, a native to Madagascar, to be born in the United Kingdom. Bristol Zoo Gardens announced that it is the first UK zoo to successfully breed and hand-rear an aye-aye, the largest nocturnal primate in the world and one of the strangest mammals on the planet. (04/15/05 AP photo)

Pat will be so happy, and we don't have to worry about the neighbors stealing him...

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