Friday, July 15, 2005

National EDUCATION Association?

I was dragging around the internet on a mission. There must be something going on in the world that will light a fire in my head and be the source of a good rant.

Heh Heh Heh, I FOUND something.

My blog friend Beth over at She Who Will Be Obeyed provided me with just the inspiration I needed. She mentioned that blog Diva Michelle Malkin was talking about the National Education Association’s annual meeting. (This is what you call a link to a link to a link in blogger lingo)

I’m sorry to tell you folks, but if you read the NEA’s meeting agenda, the NEA seems more concerned with national politics than teaching.

For instance, there is this little ditty:

“Business Item 78

NEA will urge its members that they "do not shop" at Wal-Mart and Sam's Club due to Wal-Mart's anti-union, low-wage, low-benefit policies that have left its employees in need of hundreds of million of dollars in public aid for various health care and social safety net programs.”

So all this bunch of socialist idiots wants to do is talk about boycotting Wal-Mart because Wal-Mart is fighting the unionization of their workforce.

And of course the NEA is fighting the Republican’s potential privatization of social security…

New Business Item 6

The NEA will form a coalition with other like-minded organizations and individuals to protect Social Security and the Defined Benefit Systems of this country. NEA will publish in NEA Today information about these efforts and encourage and educate our members of the continuing efforts to attack our members' retirement security

Then there is some stupid obscure issue about fragrances and fragrance chemicals???

“New Business Item 8

The NEA President, Reg Weaver, will direct the HIN to write an article on health problems from exposure to fragrance chemicals in NEA Today. This will include a questionnaire for membership using a variety of methods such as an online NEA web site posting, form in the article and questionnaires available at the 06 RA Hall of Health. The results will be published in NEA as well as posted on the NEA Web site, including a list of products identified by members as triggering health reactions. The questionnaire results will be posted to the NEA Web site

New Business Item 9

Recognizing the great support provided by NEA and the NEA-HIN, which are working to obtain outside funding to again send 25 additional members to the EPA Tools for Schools Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Symposium, should these funds not be forthcoming by November 1, 2005, NEA shall provide funds which will include a pre-symposium day for NEA members focusing on how to organize members around IAQ and Environmental Health issues. Attendees sign a commitment with their state president to establish an IAQ plan or activity.

New Business Item 75

The NEA will declare a designated area of the NEA/RA and related meetings and activities a fragrance free zone.”

I didn’t know that “fragrances” was such a big deal in school.

When I was in school, you just tried to stay away from the guys that had PE during first period because of the probability of them developing some serious natural fragrances (read that Body ODOR) was a potential problem.

Does this mean that if some little frilly 15 year old teen girl shows up at school dressed like a French whore…er…I mean…attired like Brittany Spears…that her attire is OK as long as she doesn’t also actually SMELL like a French whore with perfume?

I was shocked at how little talking about teaching they are apparently doing at the NEA convention. Go read the entire NEA meeting agenda for yourself if you have the time, but I can save you the trouble and tell you that, based on what I read, the NEA is more concerned with POLITICS than they are worried with the EDUCATION of our nation's children.

In my humble opinion, that’s just a crying shame.

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