Saturday, December 31, 2005

Damn, Sometimes I Just Hate Myself

Ending The Year On A Politically Incorrect Note...

What is wrong with the world when a beautiful young girl that looks like this:

would date an unemployed shit head that looks like this:

INDEPENDENCE, Mo. -- A Missouri woman is out of a hospital and recovering at home after a cell phone was shoved down her throat last week.

Melinda "Mindy" Abell was rushed to a hospital Friday morning. She told police that her ex-boyfriend, Marlon Brando Gill, 23, became angry.

Abell told detectives that Gill grabbed her by the mouth and shoved the cell phone until it became lodged in her throat. Surgeons had to remove it.

Gill is charged with first-degree assault, which is a felony.

Police initially issued a statement saying Abell had swallowed the phone. A spokesman later explained that investigators weren't able to talk to her until after the surgery.

Abell's father, Don, said he hopes Gill will be able to find God.

"Everybody takes steps in the wrong direction. Everybody has the opportunity to take steps in the right direction," Don Abell said.

I'm sorry people, but our politically correct, color blind society is a place that I'm glad I don't have to live much longer in.

Another thirty or so years is about all I can stand, and since I don't have any kids I guess that I will be able to stumble through the process and remain reasonably unscathed.

And by the way, if "Mindy" was MY daughter, I would kick her ass for even attempting to socialize with someone that looked like that useless punk, and I would ensure that he found God because I would personally introduce him to his savior with a 9 MM round or two placed where they could do the most good--

in his stupid skull.


Firehand said...

Amen. Don't know if she went with the dirtbag because she wasn't taught to discriminate between good people and jerks, despite it, or because of it(rebellion, don't you know). In any case, I'm with you, give him the choice of jail or a piece of land.

Caught hell from some people back when Mike Tyson went to jail for rape when I said while he apparently did commit the crime, I wanted to know- considering his actions and words earlier in the evening- why the girl went to the room with him if she didn't want to get into bed? I was insensitive, didn't like women, etc. When a secretary at work blew up and asked how I'd feel if it was my daughter, told her "I'd be pissed that she'd been hurt, and I'd also ask her why she wasn't listening when I taught her there are people to stay away from". Don't think the lady has forgiven me yet.

Anonymous said...

Well, I am the new boyfriend and show her the love and respect she truly deserves. I hope that piece of shit gets whats coming to him ( something shoved down his throat forcefully in prison ) when he is sentenced. He had the nerve to plead "not guilty". If he gets away with this, I am positive there will be a not so welcoming party looking to protect her from him.